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Regulatory Information

UPPCO is regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).


Integrated Resource Plan


What is an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)?

An Integrated Resource Plan or IRP is a comprehensive plan that is developed by an electric utility that outlines the utility’s energy resource strategy for the future. The intent of the IRP is to determine how the electric utility will provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective service to its customers while addressing the risks and uncertainties inherent in the utility industry. Section 6t of Public Act 231 of 2013 requires all rate-regulated utilities to file IRPs with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) every five (5) years.



UPPCO's 2025 IRP

UPPCO's 2020 IRP

Questions or Comments

  • Please email us at if you have any questions or comments regarding this regulatory filing.





Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO) is requesting Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) approval of the company’s request to review and amend certain rates and conditions of service. This regulatory filing was submitted on March 21, 2024. If approved, the filing will address the under-recovery of revenue necessary to operate the electric utility in a safe and efficient manner. The under-recovery is being driven by the following:

  • Investments being made in existing infrastructure (poles, wires, electrical devices, technology, etc.) that enable the safe, efficient, and reliable delivery of energy to the customer.
  • Construction of system upgrades and new infrastructure necessary to support load growth and economic development throughout the region.
  • Significant increases in the cost of equipment, materials, supplies, and labor related to the company’s capital projects.
  • Increased operating expenses (fuel for company vehicles, purchased power, tree trimming and vegetation management, contractors, non-capital materials and supplies, metering, routine maintenance performed on the company’s distribution and generation assets, etc.).

The filing includes an updated cost-of-service study / rate-design and presents a plan that provides safe, reliable energy to the company’s customers. The MPSC has 10 months to review UPPCO’s proposal and issue its decision in the case. A decision is expected in January 2025. Any adjustments to customers’ rates resulting from the MPSC’s decision will go into effect after the Commission's Order has been issued.




Questions or Comments

Additional Resources

MPSC E-Docket Site

UPPCO Rates and Tariff
Electric prices as filed with the Michigan Public Service Commission.

Federal Acquisition Regulations
UPPCO provides goods and services to the United States Government.

FERC Compliance
Information posted in accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Chief Compliance Officer
Upper Peninsula Power Company
1002 Harbor Hills Dr.
Marquette, MI 49855