Customer Generation Program
Assistance and Inquiries

Business Customer Service: (906) 449-2014

Generation Program Overview

You can generate your own electricity and interconnect to the UPPCO grid to lower your power bill.

If you are interested in installing your own electric generating system — such as a wind turbine, solar system or biofuel system — several steps are required to “interconnect” to the UPPCO electric distribution system.

Generation Program Categories

The customer-owned generation program is divided into categories 1 through 5 based upon the size or output of your generator. The eligible generator sizes, requirements, and processes of each category are detailed in this section.

For information related to outflow credit click here.

Generation Interconnection Queue

View the Generator Interconnection Queue here.

Generator Output 20kW or less

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Systems up to 20kW of output are considered Category 1. In this category, interconnected generators are credited for over-generation at the power supply rate for their class.

  1. Submit completed application, agreement and application fee to:
    ATTN: Customer Generation
    500 North Washington St
    Ishpeming, MI 49849
  2. Review of Interconnection Options & Costs:
    After the completed application is received, we will contact you to discuss the interconnection options available and their associated costs. Once the application is determined to be complete and approved, you may proceed with the approved generator installation.
  3. Install generator:
    Together, we will determine an agreed-upon timeframe to install your generating equipment. We will perform any work needed to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate your system.
  4. Have your generating system inspected:
    Before electric generation can begin, UPPCO requires proof of approval from the local building or electrical code inspector. With this approval, UPPCO will complete the interconnection.
  5. Sign the Interconnection Agreement:
    Once the generator installation is complete and approved, submit the completed and signed Interconnection Agreement and send to UPPCO at the address listed in Step 1. We will countersign the Agreement and return a copy to you.
Review UPPCO Distributed Generation Rider
Procedures Category 1 - Generator Interconnection Procedures
Application Category 1 - Interconnection and Customer-Owned Distributed Generation Application
AgreementCategory 1 - Interconnection & Parallel Operating Agreement

Generator Output More than 20kW but Less than 150kW

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Category 2 interconnected generators are credited for over-generation at the power supply rate for their class.

  1. Submit completed application, agreement and application fee, to:
    ATTN: Customer Generation
    500 North Washington St
    Ishpeming, MI 49849
  2. Determine if distribution study is needed:
    After the completed application is received, we will determine if a distribution study is needed to further assess your system’s impact on our electric grid. Your written authorization, and the applicable fee, will be needed to complete the study.
  3. Review interconnection options & costs:
    We will contact you to discuss the interconnection options available and their associated costs.
  4. Install generator:
    Together, we will determine an agreed-upon timeframe to install your generating equipment. We will perform the work needed to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate your system.
  5. System testing:
    After installation is complete, UPPCO must be notified and given the opportunity to witness or verify the system testing, which could include:

    • Witnessing commissioning tests
    • Performing anti-islanding tests
    • Verifying the protective equipment settings
  6. Sign and submit the Interconnection Agreement:
    Once the generator installation is complete and approved, submit the completed, signed Interconecction Agreement and send to UPPCO at the above address. We will countersign the Agreement and return a copy to you.
Review UPPCO Distributed Generation Rider
Procedures Category 2 - Generator Interconnection Procedures
Application Category 2 - Interconnection and Customer-Owned Distributed Generation Application
AgreementCategory 2 - Interconnection & Parallel Operating Agreement

Generator Output Greater than 150kW but Less than 550kW

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Category 3 is open to methane digesters only.

  1. Submit completed application, agreement and application fee, to:
    ATTN: Customer Generation
    500 North Washington St
    Ishpeming, MI 49849
  2. Determine if distribution study is needed:
    After the completed application is received, we will determine if a distribution study is needed to further assess your system’s impact on our electric grid. Your written authorization, and the applicable fee, will be needed to complete the study.
  3. Review interconnection options & costs:
    We will contact you to discuss the interconnection options available and their associated costs.
  4. Install Generator:
    Together, we will determine an agreed-upon timeframe in which your generating equipment will need to be installed. We will perform any work needed to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate your system.
  5. System Testing:
    After installation is complete, UPPCO must be notified and given the opportunity to witness or verify the system testing, which could include:

    • Witnessing commissioning tests
    • Performing anti-islanding tests
    • Verifying the protective equipment settings
Review Parallel Generation - Methane Digesters (PG-3)
Procedures Category 3 - Generator Interconnection Procedures
Application Category 3 - Interconnection and Customer-Owned Distributed Generation Application
AgreementCategory 3 - Interconnection & Parallel Operating Agreement

Generator Output Greater than 550kW but Less than 1 MW

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To customers contracting for electric service who satisfy the requirements of "qualifying facility" status under Part 292 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, generating electrical energy with total customer owned generating capacity of 1 MW AC or less, and desiring to sell electrical energy to the Company. To qualify for this service, a seller shall execute a standard Power Purchase Agreement with the Company. Customers with generation capacity greater than 1 MW may negotiate with the Company for rates other than specified in this rate schedule. Customers with generation capacity of 150 KW or less have the option of selling energy to the Company under the Pg-2 tariff or the Pg-1M tariff for customers with generator ratings that do not exceed 20 KW. Customers may take service under PG-3 if the requirements are met for methane digesters.

Service hereunder shall be restricted to the Company’s purchase of energy or energy and capacity from the seller’s generating facilities up to the Contract Capacity specified in the Power Purchase Agreement which may be operated in parallel with the Company’s system. Power delivered to the Company shall not offset or be substituted for power contracted for, or which may be contracted for, under any other schedule of the Company. If a seller requires supplemental, back-up, or standby services, the seller shall enter into a separate service agreement with the Company in accordance with the Company’s applicable electric rates and Service Regulations approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission.

  1. Submit completed application, agreement and application fee, to:
    ATTN: Customer Generation
    500 North Washington St
    Ishpeming, MI 49849
  2. Determine if distribution study is needed:
  3. Review interconnection options & costs:
    We will contact you to discuss the interconnection options available and their associated costs.
  4. Install Generator:
    Together, we will determine an agreed-upon timeframe in which your generating equipment will need to be installed. We will perform any work needed to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate your system.
  5. System Testing:
    After installation is complete, UPPCO must be notified and given the opportunity to witness or verify the system testing, which could include:

    • Witnessing commissioning tests
    • Performing anti-islanding tests
    • Verifying the protective equipment settings
Procedures Category 4 - Generator Interconnection Procedures
Pre-Application Category 4 - Pre-Application Form
Application Category 4 - Interconnection Application
AgreementCategory 4 - Interconnection Agreement

Generator Output More than 1MW

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To customers contracting for electric service who satisfy the requirements of "qualifying facility" status under Part 292 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and desiring to sell electrical energy to the Company. To qualify for this service, a seller shall execute a Power Purchase Agreement with the Company. Customers with generation capacity 1 MW or less may purchase with the Company at rates specified in the PG-4 tariff rate schedule. Customers with generation capacity of 150 KW or less have the option of selling energy to the Company under the PG-2 tariff or the PG-1M tariff for customers with generator ratings that do not exceed 20 kW. Customers may take service under PG-3 if the requirements are met for methane digesters.

Customers with generation capacity of 150 kW or less have the option of selling energy to the Company under the Pg-2 tariff or the Pg-1M tariff for customers with generator ratings that do not exceed 20 kW. Customers may take service under PG-3 if the requirements are met for methane digesters.

Service hereunder shall be restricted to the Company’s purchase of energy or energy and capacity from the seller’s generating facilities up to the Contract Capacity specified in the Power Purchase Agreement which may be operated in parallel with the Company’s system. Power delivered to the Company shall not offset or be substituted for power contracted for, or which may be contracted for, under any other schedule of the Company. If a seller requires supplemental, back-up, or standby services, the seller shall enter into a separate service agreement with the Company in accordance with the Company’s applicable electric rates and Service Regulations approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission.

  1. Submit completed application, agreement and application fee, to:
    ATTN: Customer Generation
    500 North Washington St
    Ishpeming, MI 49849
  2. Determine if distribution study is needed:
  3. Review interconnection options & costs:
    We will contact you to discuss the interconnection options available and their associated costs.
  4. Install Generator:
    Together, we will determine an agreed-upon timeframe in which your generating equipment will need to be installed. We will perform any work needed to upgrade our distribution system to accommodate your system.
  5. System Testing:
    After installation is complete, UPPCO must be notified and given the opportunity to witness or verify the system testing, which could include:

    • Witnessing commissioning tests
    • Performing anti-islanding tests
    • Verifying the protective equipment settings
Procedures Category 5 - Generator Interconnection Procedures
Pre-Application Category 5 - Pre-Application Form
Application Category 5 - Interconnection Application
AgreementCategory 5 - Interconnection Agreement