Our mission is to keep the lights on by investing responsibly in safety, reliability, and people.


UPPCO brings you power through one of the most rural, weather challenged areas in America. Unlike power companies in more populated areas, UPPCO customers are spread out over nearly 4,460 square miles in the Upper Peninsula – much of it heavily forested. On average, UPPCO has 12 customers per square mile.

We excel at providing reliable electric service to 10 Upper Peninsula counties. Our vision is to lead the UP to a clean, connected, and sustainable future, where serving our communities remains at the center of what we do.

Energy Transition Open House

Ishpeming  |  October 22, 2024  |  6-8 p.m.

River Rock Lanes Banquet Center, 1011 North Rd.

Hancock  |  October 23, 2024  |  6-8 p.m.

Finnish American Heritage Center, 435 Quincy St.

A short presentation will begin at 6:00 p.m. outlining Michigan's new clean energy laws, how UPPCO plans to meet energy transition goals, and UPPCO'S upcoming Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Immediately following the presentation, guests can visit with representatives from Customer Service, Energy Efficiency, Regulatory, and Resource Planning Departments.

Michigan Energy Legislation

Renewable Energy Standard:

Public Act 235 establishes a renewable energy standard of 50% by 2030 and 60% by 2035, which represents the percent of UPPCO's generation that needs to come from renewable sources.

Clean Energy Standard:

Public Act 235 establishes a clean energy standard of 80% by 2035 and 100% by 2040.

Statewide Energy Target:

Public Act 235 establishes a statewide energy storage target of 2,500 MW requiring Investor Owned Utilities (IOU)s to file petitions for approval(s) before 2030. UPPCO’s targeted allocation is estimated to 10-15 MWs. 

Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

What is it?

An Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a comprehensive plan developed by an electric utility which outlines its future resource strategy – how the electric utility will provide reliable, cost-effective electric service to its customers while addressing the risks, uncertainties, and required Renewable Energy Standard, Clean Energy Standard, and energy storage targets required by Michigan Energy Legislation.

Electric utilities are required to file an IRP every five years per Section 6(t) of PA 231

Quick Facts

  • Utilities in Michigan are required to file an IRP every 5 years with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC). 
  • UPPCO IRP filing [coming soon]. 
  • The MPSC will evaluate UPPCO’s IRP based upon: 
    • Resource Adequacy 
    • Compliance with environmental regulations and Michigan law 
    • Competitive procurement of resources 
    • System reliability 
    • Commodity and pricing risks 
    • Diversity of generation supply 
    • Reasonable and cost-effective peak load reduction and energy efficiency 

UPPCO has issued Request for Proposals (RFP) for Clean, Renewable, and Energy Storage Projects​:

  • An independent bid administrator will gather and evaluate proposals. 
  • Preferred projects will be included in IRP evaluation, and reviewed by the MPSC. 

What We're Working to Solve

With UPPCO's existing hydroelectric and planned solar resource additions, we expect to be at approximately 50% renewable generation by 2028. The upcoming IRP will chart a course toward meeting the Renewable and Clean Energy Standards as required by Michigan law.

Current Renewable Resources

UPPCO currently owns and operates seven hydro electric plants, which generate about 20% of our power in a renewable, clean, safe, reliable, and flexible way.

Beyond being sources of renewable energy, hydro facilities are a great benefit to surrounding communities by creating recreational opportunities on land and water, and supporting local tax bases. Programs and services are provided to the public and schools, jobs are generated for the operation and maintenance of the facilities, and fish and wildlife habitats are created.



Planned Renewable Additions

Republic Solar Project

  • 62.5 MW UPPCO-owned  
  • Competitive procurement process underway
  • Commercial Operation Date Target: 2027​

Groveland Mine Project

  • 62.5 MW Power Purchase Agreement 
  • MPSC approval on August 22, 2024 
  • Commercial Operation Date Target: 2028​

Share Your Feedback

Your feedback is important as we develop our Integrated Resource Plan and move forward toward meeting Michigan's new energy standards.